Welcome to LE OFFICE INVESTMENT . LE OFFICE INVESTMENT has opened since May 1, 2013 and it owned by LE'S OFFICE TAX SERVICE.
Save money by deposit your money to LE OFFICE INVESTMENT. We will paid you 1.5%
for 6 months CD, 2% for 12 months CD.
Compare to other banks, they paid you only .50%
for interested 6
months CD . Here
is example : you depostit $5000 to other banks : for
6 months CD , they will pay you as below: ( $5000 x .50 ) / 100 / 12(months) = $2.08 per month for interested
I need to save money! I run out of money |
I don't have money to take a bus ride. |
Use this pen and caculator
and do the math . At LE OFFICE you can get more pay for interested . Here is
example : if you deposit $5000 to LE OFFICE , you will get interested paid 1.5% for 6 months CD. (5000 x 1.5 ) / 100 / 12 (months) = $6.25 per month. At the end of 6 months, your money grows as : 5000 + 37.50 ( $6.25 x 6)
= $5037.50 You can renew your CD after 6 months.
If you deposit money
for 12 months CD, your money will grow bigger . We will pay you 2% for interest
. Here is sample : make a deposit $5000: $5000 x 2 / 100 / 12 months = $8.33 per month or $100 per year. At the end of 12 months term, your money will be $5000 + 100 = $5100
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